Do you think that purchasing your automobile insurance online is always the least expensive way to buy insurance? You may be surprised to find that working with the right insurance agent in Seattle will often get you a better product and a substantially better premium.
If you are new to the insurance market, don't have assets to protect, and are looking at minimum liability limits to comply with State of Washington requirements, online is definitely the way to go.
However, if you are looking for asset protection at a competitive premium, it's almost always better to work with an insurance agent for your automobile, home and auto insurance in Seattle.
I've been evaluating insurance programs of hundreds of families in the Seattle area, and over 80 percent of the time, I am able to improve the asset protection , save money or restructure their current program to make huge differences in asset protection.
If you are talking to a knowledgable insurance agent with your best interest in mind, you'll be surprised at the improvements that you can make to your asset protection with the goal of saving premium dollars every single month.

Toni Matous 206-284-4886